chaos and confusion

美 [ˈkeɪɑːs ənd kənˈfjuːʒn]英 [ˈkeɪɒs ənd kənˈfjuːʒn]
  • 混乱不堪
chaos and confusionchaos and confusion
  1. Fighting had broken out and all was chaos and confusion .


  2. Jules : What a difference from the chaos and confusion of two hours ago .


  3. This is an era of chaos and confusion .


  4. Without a receptacle , these creative cosmic rays would create chaos and confusion .


  5. What to grab , where to go-total chaos and confusion .


  6. The theoretical system of jurisprudence in our country is lack of study , which leads to chaos and confusion in the teaching material of jurisprudence .


  7. God develops real peace within us , not by making things go the way we planned , but by allowing times of chaos and confusion .


  8. Although a completely rational robot may be unfazed by the chaos and confusion of the battlefield it may make mistakes all the same .


  9. In a nation-wide address moments after vetoing the spending bill , the president called it a prescription for chaos and confusion .


  10. The abolishment of the military government in 1966 and the rising of the PLO make the Arabs in Israel overcome the chaos and confusion after the Palestinian war , their national conscious became awakening .


  11. In our homeland , the blaze of public opinion and policy in the implementation of the reform of preschool , but in reality in the kindergarten , chaos and confusion of the children , teachers and parents become increasingly more severe .
